"How to Slay a Dragon" by Bill Allen (The Journals of Myrth, #1)

Ruuan is a very large dragon. Twelve-year-old Greg Hart can't slay a dragon. He'd be lucky to win a fight against one of the smaller girls at school.
Now the magicians of Myrth have mistaken him for a legendary warrior, so they've yanked Greg into their world of sorcery and danger. Nothing will stop the people of Myrth from believing Greg will rescue King Peter's daughter from Ruuan the dragon. After all, Greg has been named in a prophecy, and no prophecy has ever been wrong before.
Until now.
BILL ALLEN may be described as an unusual man who has accomplished an unusual many deeds. In fact, it has been said that if you total up all the things he claims to have done, he cannot possibly be less than seven hundred years old.
No one knows if this is true. All we know for certain is that for many of those years he's been living in Florida with his wife, Nancy, writingsoftware by day and, well, mostly sleeping by night. Every now and again he writes stories, too. Visit him at www.BillAllenBooks.com

Sadly I had an extremely hard time getting through this book. I found it a bit slow and hard to get through. I thought the idea with the story was cute, but I just didnt enjoy it. It takes alot for me not to enjoy a book. Im sorry for the negative feedback. Hope I am the only one who thought so. I was disappointed and hoped that this book would interest me and keep me interested more.


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