"Winter Rose" by Rachel A. Marks
A dark and haunting tale of a young girl trapped in Winter, longing to be free. When Rose and her sister are left to fend for themselves and an ailing mother, they must fight both nature and the darkness of the soul to survive. And perhaps, along the way, they will find the strength to love.
It was a short story that was well written. Loved it and thought it was very easy to read. Really good story line, really scary, not in a monster go boo thing, but scary. Great story!!!! Must read and recommended!!!!
A dark and haunting tale of a young girl trapped in Winter, longing to be free. When Rose and her sister are left to fend for themselves and an ailing mother, they must fight both nature and the darkness of the soul to survive. And perhaps, along the way, they will find the strength to love.
It was a short story that was well written. Loved it and thought it was very easy to read. Really good story line, really scary, not in a monster go boo thing, but scary. Great story!!!! Must read and recommended!!!!
I have this book on my Kindle! Can't wait to finally read it sometime, especially after seeing this review. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a short story, but good. Once u read it, let me know what you think.