"The Fury and Dark Reunion" by L.J. Smith (The Vampire Diaries books 3 and 4)

Elena: transformed, the golden girl has become what she once feared and desired.
Stefan: tormented by losing Elena, he's determined to end his feud with Damon once and for all-whatever the cost. But slowly he begins to realize that his brother is not his only enemy.
Damon: at last, he possesses Elena. But will his thirst for revenge against Stefan poison his triumph? Or can they come together to face one final battle?
Just so its clear. I really enjoyed this book. The hatred and love between the vampire brothers amazes me. Especially over Elena. Something though, the tv show is nothing like the books. And I enjoy both. I am looking forward to the next read from the vampire diaries and I will get it soon, hopefully. Until then,


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